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Mission San Jose High School Reviews

41717 Palm Avenue, Fremont, California 94539, United States

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Pay attention in class and do the homework. The classes aren't too difficult as long as you are up to date with your work. Flashcards are really helpful for this class. Overall it's pretty fun so don't stress over it.

If you get Mr. Soria as your next teacher you should throw a party. His class is amazing and super fun. His lectures usually contain videos and he makes his class engaging. He lets you use your phones during read period. The tests are pretty easy, and the critical thinking assessments are sometimes fun. He grades a bit hard on projects, so make sure you do good on those. He usually doesn't give too much homework but when he does he gives it all at once, which is sometimes stressful. Overall, his class is very fun and you will love his class. Good luck!

The class is pretty easy as long as you turn in all of your assignments on time and pay attention in class. The class requires a lot of reading and writing. It also requires good analyzation and comprehending skills. The course covers all of the English skills that should be learned in 9th grade.

Mr. Sudgen's class was one of my favorites. I had him for double accelerated. The geometry unit was pretty annoying (proving obvious things), but was also pretty easy. I would get 100% in almost all of his geometry quiz/tests. The Algebra 2 unit was pretty fun, but confusing and a bit challenging as well. He is a really kind person in nature and will help you if you need it. He is really fun and he lets you use your phone quite a bit in class. I didn't find the course as hard as people were saying it was.

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Really pay attention in class and take good notes. Ms. Tseng teaches really fast and moves on quickly so make sure you get everything down. You probably will have to invest more time in this class (especially if taking double accelerated) to keep up. Her tests are usually the toughest part of the course. She gives one test per two units and each test only has 10 questions, so know the material well and do practice problems from the textbook. Homework is manageable as long as you understand all the concepts.

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