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Princeton High School Reviews

151 Moore St, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, United States

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Ap bio- Shoop is a great teacher with lots of passion and knowledge of the subject. She is an AP grader and prepares you especially well for the exam, although some self-studying is needed as well. It is a fast paced and rigorous course, but manageable. If you manage your time, probably only around 30 min a night or less. Tests are quite difficult and so it’s hard to get an A. She is a very enthusiastic and engaging lecturer and genuinely cares about her students, although at times she is harsh/critical or a little annoying. She grades very quickly and sometimes makes mistakes, but will always fix any real issues if asked.

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For bio accel, the key is to review concepts on your own and thing about them on your own motivation. If you do that and stay on top of lab reports and studying for tests, you are setting yourself up for success. The memorization should happen naturally through just doing the work, not cramming it in.

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Displaying teachers 85 - 96 of 103 in total