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Barrington High School Reviews

616 W Main St, Barrington, Illinois 60010, United States

He will not have hard deadlines, so it is easy to get behind on your reading/poetry responses. Don't let yourself do this. Get them done by the date he tells you for the sake of your sanity. Also, don't be afraid to ask for an extension on essays. He doesn't really care if you turn it in a few days late, just let him know and explain your situation. He cares about the quality more than the deadline. Be prepared for really hard vocabulary quizzes, though. They're not a big deal since they're formative and he curves them based on how everyone else did in your class, but they were difficult. The discussions he sets up can be really interesting if you prepare for them the right way. Do not neglect your prep-work sheets for these. They will be your lifeline. In my year, we wrote a total of 8 formal essays (with one or two more we should have done) on a myriad of topics: poetry, movies, books, etc. Tl;dr: READ THE BOOKS AND RESPOND BY THE DEADLINES.

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