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Timber Creek High School Reviews

1001 Avalon Park South Blvd, Orlando, Florida 32828, United States

Easy intro to art. Very flexible with due dates and stuff. Your grade depends on your effort and skill. Go to him for tips and he will tell you how to improve your art

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I would say that you should have good time management for this class, and pay attention to his lectures. He is a good lecturer and gives a lot of useful information, but it's important to listen to what he says and take lots of notes. From this, I was able to get a 5 on the AP exam.

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The class is set up to be relatively easy, especially for first time AP students. A segment of this class is spent as a "Critical thinking" course designed to prepare you for the real meat and potatoes, AP Comparative Government and Politics. Much of the course material is posted online, but keep in mind this may not help you in some situations as the class is heavily focused on current events. Expect some minor changes to course material as time goes on. eg: referendums, elections, etc. A small awareness of global events and/or prior knowledge of the countries seen in this course will help out immensely.. Heavy amounts of writing, but most of that will be done on a computer. Expect some amount of writing on paper, though. The final is done in paper, so be aware. This class can be VERY boring if you're not interested in geopolitics and the like. Don't take it for the lulz/AP credits. You will regret it.

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