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Mountain Lakes High School Reviews

96 Powerville Rd, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046, United States

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Make sure you have a notebook and a calculator.

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In her Honors Pre-Calc class: She’s a good teacher, but the material can be difficult and goes at a fast pace. As the HW isn’t graded, many students (including myself) think that they could get away with not doing it. However, the pace of the course makes it easy to forget what you’ve learned without reinforcement. If you feel lazy, at least do the amount that allows you to remember and understand the material. The class (being math) is inherently foundational, so if you don’t understand the first lesson, you’ll need to quickly catch up. Watching videos and looking at the textbook helps (she models a lot of the questions off of the textbook). Some channels I will recommend would be Organic Chemistry Tutor Khan Academy (reteaches lessons if you get lost) Mario’s Math Tutoring( goes over specific problems and how to solve them, also reteaches lessons)

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