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South Brunswick High School Reviews

750 Ridge Rd, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852, United States

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theres a LOT of reading. too much. i had nights where I would be up until 5. manage ur time

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Don't slack off in this class, as you'll find yourself trying to play catch up if you don't take it seriously. The course itself isn't too bad if you do the work required and do it to the best of your ability. Also, don't slack off for the midterm. It counts for 6% of your overall grade and it could screw you over at the end of the year. Thankfully, I copped an A overall due to the last two quarters and the final which made up for my B+ first q, A- second q and A- on the midterm. Do well the first "semester" and you should be set for the rest of the year

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