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Albert Einstein High School Reviews

11135 Newport Mill Rd, Kensington, Maryland 20895, United States

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If you've never taken an advanced English class before, or even if you have, Pre-IB 10 will seem very challenging. The pace of reading is demanding and if your writing was poor before, you will need to whip it into shape pretty fast. The essays will kick your butt. You'll usually get the prompt ahead of time but even planning it out will not help you so much once you're in the room. The best advice I can give a prospective student is to develop, if you haven't already, a solid grasp of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you could skate by in previous years by hoping your teachers would focus on your ideas and not your dangling modifiers and such, you are in for a rude awakening in Pre-IB 10. Make sure you understand words and how to use them, basically. The other big piece of advice (and I am physically unable to stress this enough) is *stay on top of the reading*. Seriously. I cannot emphasize how hard it is to succeed in this class if you don't. You will bomb the quizzes if you even neglect three pages at the end of a chapter, and that will be basically impossible to make up in the end. Plus you will be embarrassed if you are called on to read and you haven't yet reached the part where the class is supposed to be. Do the readings.

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