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Lake Central High School Reviews

8400 WICKER AVE, Saint John, Indiana , United States

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AP Environmental Science is a tough class, but a very rewarding one nonetheless. There are many stimulating, hands-on labs throughout the year that help give insight on the content of the class, along with a variety of fun projects that make class engaging. The notes are quick paced, and it helps to type your notes instead of write them if you're a slow writer or print the note slides on Canvas out before class so you can pay more attention to the lecture. The tests are very challenging, and require much more than basic memorization. You'll want to set times to study so you can stay on track and highly consider going to PTE or tutoring if you're struggling, as tests can make or break your grade, even if you do well on your labs and homework assignments. Many of the topics branch off of each other, and it is essential that you understand key concepts early on. There is a decent amount of math involved in the class, including half-lifes, conversions, and more, which can be challenging if you don't have a lot of prior background in math but is doable if you put in the time to study. Enjoy your time in APES! All the work is worth it.

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