Dhana Uppula

Data based on 6 reviews.

Overall Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

What kind of test questions does this teacher use most often (choose one):

Is the teacher available for extra help during study halls, lunchtime, before or after school, etc.?

The teacher responds to emails promptly. Do you...

The teacher posts in-class materials online for reference (slides, etc.):

The teacher lets us know at the beginning of the course and along the way how much each part of the class (homework, papers, quizzes and tests) counts towards our total grade:

How much homework does this teacher assign?

The amount of writing required in this class is:

The teacher allows us to use technology in class (e.g. laptop, calculator, smart pen, etc.)

How much memorization is required to do well in this teacher’s course?

What advice would you give yourself if you were just starting the class now?

Class of
May 27, 2021

In this class you will have to pay attention a lot, and I personally think that you should take a lot of notes even when you are not told to. Because she likes to sometimes ask people questions randomly. And it would help a lot during her tests and quizzes. This class talks a lot about medical terms obviously and that can be difficult to remember so taking notes and paying attention helps a lot. Her tests and quizzes are based on what you learned in class for the unit. And her assignments are based on the material you learned the day the assignment is uploaded. She is open about late work but you do not get full credit. She usually assigned two assignments per week. Personally, her class was difficult for me because I would have trouble paying attention and understanding the material. One thing about this class that threw me off was how some questions on the test were about material we never learned which made the test challenging. Overall this class was helpful if you want to be in the medical field. Personally, it was difficult for me.

Class of
May 26, 2021

Some useful advice for this class would be to always review your notes. The information that is taught heavily revolves around medical procedures and the basics that are tested in the course. Memorizing and reviewing notes would help tremendously and shouldn't be taken as lightly

Class of
May 26, 2021

I had Dr. Uppula for Health and Medical Careers. The amount of homework given is extremely manageable. At first, I signed up for the class because I was very interested in joining the medical field when I get older. By doing so, I was able to gain insight regarding things such as sanitary practices and basic human anatomy. If you are looking into joining any medical related jobs or would like to narrow down your career choices, I highly recommend joining her class. It’s very beneficial in a multitude of ways and very easy to manage.

Class of
May 24, 2021

In this class you're going to have to memorize a lot of vocabulary. Since I was in remote learning during this class I don't think I got the full experience since it's an interactive class. This class was less social than my others but I think that may have been the effect of online learning. For tests and quizzes I really recommend studying and asking questions. This class was pretty average for me and I enjoyed it.

Class of
May 23, 2021

This class is for Health and Medical Careers. I originally signed up for this class because I was interested in going into a few different careers in the medical field and needed help in narrowing it down. In the course catalog this class was described as "Exploration for career pathway in health, medicine, life science & biotechnology, health care system...... etc. ". I interpreted this class as a class to take if you are unsure which medical career to go into and that I thought it would help me a little bit to decide. Unfortunately, it did not do that. It did not explore the different careers available. This class is more like a Science class where you have to memorize vocabulary words and it's meaning. We mainly learned about the human body and it's functions which really doesn't apply for every health career path. There's homework but the communication and instructions are a bit confusing and it's not very easy to get clarification from the instructor. The quizzes and tests are a bit misguided because what we covered in class is not always what you are being tested on. The only time I learned about the different careers in the medical field is at the end where each student had to pick a career in the medical field that they are interested in, do their own research on it, make a google slide and present it to the entire class to listen to. I had this class for a year and I'm still unclear on the medical path to go into. This is an introductory class and I'm not interested in taking the next class that you are supposed to take after it.
