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The King's Academy Reviews

562 North Britton Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94085, United States

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Reading the textbook pages assigned is not necessary, I would just suggest reviewing the final five questions of each chapter the night you learn that chapter so you have an idea of what could be on a pop quiz if it is given. In addition, never ask whether or not you have a pop quiz at the beginning of the day because he always writes them and picks and chooses which classes he wants to give pop quizzes to, and his favorite saying is "if you ask if there's a quiz there will be one. " Also, take the research paper guidelines seriously but your actual paper doesn't need to have a lot of content because he doesn't care that much.

Always have your textbook and materials, and make sure you can answer her questions (which typically aren't too difficult if you pick up a language easily). Also, artistic abilities and effort in artistic projects earn you a better grade. Overall, being kind and respectful in this class will get you a long way as most people disrespect her. Being nice and saying hi in the halls will get you a one-up.

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Displaying teachers 13 - 24 of 63 in total