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Sierramont Middle School Reviews

3155 Kimlee Drive, San Jose, California 95132, United States

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This class is fun and simple. You will learn sports in easy ways and Mr. Handforth is very nice.

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This class is not very hard and groupwork is one of the leading factors to succeeding in Mr Lam's class. Projects come once every couple of months. Always complete assignments in your notebook: reading outlines, comic strips of historical things, activities, and notes. Focus on the tests and notebooks, those two are worth much of the grade. Be ready for a sore hand.

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In this class, you should try and do your homework on time. Homework isn't that big of a grade percentage, but it will help you. Sometimes, there will be the occasional quiz or a test.

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Getting along socially with the other students can really benefit you in this class.

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