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Chaboya Middle School Reviews

3276 Cortona Drive, San Jose, California 95135, United States

Have a good attitude and remember to study on quizzes and tests because they are often homework problems and if you mess up, the teacher knows you didn't study.

Make sure you are always organized because even though she's relatively lenient, you still will want to be prepared for quizzes, assignments, tests, projects, etc. Especially because she usually lets you know about such things ahead of time, which I found great!

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be good at watching youtube videos, half the assignments are to watch youtube videos and take notes. the teacher only grades like 30% of the assignments she posts. The teacher hates noise, so shut up or get an F

always do your homework and study well for tests and you should do fine in the class

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From a student - The class does teach you the basics of Scratch, and you are given a lot of opportunities to show your creativity with certain projects, although there wasn't much interaction with other coding programs. Practice doing Scratch over the weekends, use the tutorials and reference slides to help you, and search up guidance videos for when you are confused about what to do. This is only when you're stuck and need a tiny bit of inspiration (no mimicking it completely). Do NOT copy other people's projects. Like, AT ALL. Also, search up aesthetic pictures for inspiration on projects. Peace out.

Displaying teachers 13 - 24 of 47 in total