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Torrey Pines High School Reviews

3710 Del Mar Heights Road, San Diego, California 92130, United States

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Do your homework diligently and you will be great in class.

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Try to finish the assignments right away because most don't take too much time. He is moody at times so just be smart with him. He's a cool teacher who won't do much teaching it's up to you to do well in this class.

STUDY OLD HW FOR TESTS!!! Make sure to pay attention to any note videos posted, as they will always provide a baseline understanding of the subject you are on, especially if you were not really getting it in class. If you're confused, don't be afraid to ask questions! Scheidler is one of the best teachers I had, and you can tell there is a genuine passion in the subject.

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Make sure to do your homework on time... It's super important. Most of the homework stuff is on the test, or it's a little harder than the test.

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