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Roosevelt International Middle School Reviews

3366 Park Boulevard, San Diego, California 92103, United States

Be the first to leave a review!

Review your notes after class. many times, you are assigned engaging notes, where you fill in blanks with answers given in a slideshow (which is posted in google classroom for later reference) and then you write things around the notes such as your thoughts, opinions, questions, comments, doodles, etc. the notes taken in these notes are almost always tested afterward. review your notes!! it helps a lot :)

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Displaying teachers 1 - 12 of 14 in total