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Del Norte High School Reviews

16601 Nighthawk Lane, San Diego, California 92127, United States

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Review your tests RIGHT after you receive them. Correct the ones you got wrong, make use of ALL the resources she provides you. They have been an extreme lifesaver for me. She is only one of the two Calc BC teachers in the school and despite her seeming scary and mean, she is motherly at heart and cares about the success of EACH student. The problems you do in class are typically harder than what is tested on which makes you a better thinker and problem solver. This class IS difficult, but just listen, ask questions, and review topics consistently. She is amazing at explaining topics into detail and you can tell she KNOWS her stuff.

Listen in class and make sure to ask questions. Liao definitely knows his stuff, just ask. He makes it easier to understand. Always use the resources he provides. The tests are so much harder than the practice problems he gives, so try finding harder questions online about the topic. He does review the tests after everyone takes it, so make sure you attend tutorials where he reviews them and ASK QUESTIONS!

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I took Expository Reading & Writing 2 with him and this was a wonderful class. The topics you learn are very insightful and relevant to the real world and provide you new perspectives to reflect upon. You learn about diversity, society, the flaws in our education system, and ourselves. The discussions where you have to speak were personally nerve-wracking for me because I was a bit "mute" in the past year and my vocal cords were super weak. I got an A on participating, though. I ended with an A in the class.

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Mr. Ozuna is very specific on what to add on the tests. Please be sure to pay close attention to what he says. He cares about every single student individually and wants to see his students succeed. Always come to see him for office hours. He's more than happy to answer your questions.

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