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Palo Alto High School Reviews

50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, California 94301, United States

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Mr. Nguyen rules... work hard in his class and you will succeed

Erik Olah
9th 12th

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For English 9 in 2014: Ms. Park always wants students to succeed so go see her for help when you can. She answers emails quickly and is nice, helpful, and patient. If you don't go see her, you might need a tutor, as her grading is tough and some assignments were tough. I needed help from my mom to get an "A". The assignments required creativity, which made them so difficult. It would have been easier and we'd still learn to write if we had easier assignments like: argumentative essay, complaint essay, narrative, etc. and ditched the creativity aspect.

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(Analysis H) Mr. Peters is kind of robotic but in an effective and hilarious way. From my experience, he recites his jokes off a script, and goes "Traaaaiiinnn" when a train passes in the most deadpan voice possible to the point that it's hilarious. His class is incredibly consistent; he does his lectures with a perfect balance of simplicity and engagement. Despite his composure, he is still a very approachable and accommodating teacher. You can tell he thoroughly understands the material and is a genuinely smart person. As a current senior, probably the best math teacher I've had at PALY. Analysis in general is a course that's taught very well.

Maybe it was just cause I had her 7th period, but this class was DEAD.

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Very easy class! Resources are posted always and the teacher gives great feedback. Overall, a very easy class. Also you will be reading 500 pages from start of school year-december.

Displaying teachers 85 - 96 of 129 in total