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Palo Alto High School Reviews

50 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, California 94301, United States

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Watch the videos and actually take notes

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Sit up front so you can hear and have a better chance of getting your questions answers. The book is terrible and not enough books so if you forget to check one out you can't do the homework.

(history) do not procrastinate and use your time on the assignments wisely! there are never due dates for a certain project in chunks, so my friends and i always found ourselves procrastinating. also, unless you pay attention well in class, all the information you need is pretty much in the textbook so do not worry if u have trouble following along!

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She expects students to be very independent but is lovely if you ask her for help. She really respects the students who try their hardest and reach out.

the grades are posted on infinite cpus instead of schoology

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The reviews in the chapter are mandatory, sometimes, a few problems will be pretty much directly copied (with numbers changed).

For the fitness tests: just try your best, you will not get points deducted for your first try. In order to get full points for ur 2nd time, do better than ur first time. Also participate!

Displaying teachers 37 - 48 of 129 in total