Mike Olsberg

Data based on 7 reviews.

Overall Rating: 1.7 / 5.0

What kind of test questions does this teacher use most often (choose one):

Is the teacher available for extra help during study halls, lunchtime, before or after school, etc.?

The teacher responds to emails promptly. Do you...

The teacher posts in-class materials online for reference (slides, etc.):

The teacher lets us know at the beginning of the course and along the way how much each part of the class (homework, papers, quizzes and tests) counts towards our total grade:

How much homework does this teacher assign?

The amount of writing required in this class is:

The teacher allows us to use technology in class (e.g. laptop, calculator, smart pen, etc.)

How much memorization is required to do well in this teacher’s course?

What advice would you give yourself if you were just starting the class now?

Class of
Mar 29, 2021

For his Chemistry class, simply read the book and don't slack off. Doing those two these will give you an A. For AP Chemistry, however, that is not the case. AP Chemistry is arguably one of the hardest AP Classes out there and at the school. You will need to be familiar with tough concepts and I advise you start getting familiar with the Organic Chemistry Tutor on youtube; he will be your absolute best friend. Overall, the online homework is fairly easy with the answers being searchable on google, but for the packets you turn in with your activities and notes, he is very harsh grading it. When doing supplemental notes, fill out every single line and even add color; the rule of thumb is if you think its good enough, it probably isn't. You need to be above and beyond just to get full credit on the packets. Furthermore, the in class notes and lectures are utterly useless. He simply reads of the slide and does not explain what is going on, creating a lot of confusion. Only reading the book and watching Organic Chemistry Tutor will make you feel like you know something is going on. Labs are another big problem, he uses Turnitin and because of that you will almost always get 40-50% plagiarism. As soon as it goes one percent of 50 he marks off points which is very absurd. He is also extremely nitpicky on the labs, and will mark you off for basically anything. The tests, though, are what will really break your grade. The tests are very hard and the questions themselves are out to get you. It is as if he made the tests to make you fail, rather than to test your knowledge. Even though the tests are based from the book, he chooses questions from stuff you might skip over because you are simply stressed from all the classes you are taking. Curves are also based off of the highest score and not the average which is really bad when you have one really smart person in your class. Overall, I do not recommend taking this class unless you really like Chemistry, but even then there are still limitations. I used to really like Chemistry, and after taking AP Chemistry I have given up all hope of admiring it ever again.

Class of
Mar 24, 2021

This class made me want to tear my hair out and break everything in sight. When doing labs pay attention to literally EVERY SINGLE DETAIL AND MEASUREMENT cause if you don't your gonna get a 200 percent error on the math. He also uses Turn-it in for assignment submissions, but since you're working on labs in a group you're gonna get a very high plagiarism score. Absolutely lock down the math, and get help from other classmates because he does a HORRIBLE job otherwise. The easiest part of the class was copying down notes, and every thing was painful and hurt my soul. DON'T MISS ANY TESTS. For every single test I've ever taken in that class, I've ran out of time. You get to use calculators, but if you can't work out the math it's not gonna help you. I've missed a test b/c I was sick, and had to take it with 25 minutes less time than I would have in a normal class period. This guy is NOTORIOUS for having incredibly hard tests and having kids stay behind absolutely scrambling to finish theirs. DON'T TAKE THIS CLASS UNLESS YOU PLAN TO MAKE YOURSELF SUFFER EVERYDAY!!!!!!

Class of
Apr 05, 2020

Make sure you work really hard to achieve all points possible, especially on labs, notebooks, and mastering chemistry assignments because the exam will definitely sink your grade down. The memorization is not too hard but the concept is. The exams are literally almost impossible, in my opinion, because the concept is very difficult to understand, at least he makes it much more confusing than it needs to be. Even though the class is point based, the assignments are barely worth anything, but the exam is worth five times those assignments. So basically the assignments are 1/10 of the grade and the exams make up 9/10 of your grade. I recommend keeping yourself on track by creating a google sheets or excel of all the assignments you have completed so far because the teacher moves through lots of material in little detail and in a short amount of time. Good luck!
