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Unitec New Zealand Reviews

, Auckland, Auckland , New Zealand

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Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

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Be the first to leave a review!

You are going to be taught by a VERY passionate teacher. Be ready for this. Natalia teaches practical courses which teach valuable skills (as of 2019). Her method of teaching is by doing, not by looking. You'll be given a quiz every class (practice only, no marking), these are pretty valuable and make you use your brain. She's published papers on how these quizzes enhance performance so take them. If you don't understand something, ask her. If it's an assignment, email her. Don't skimp on the practise exercises, they help. She's a bit specific on how things are done. If she says use Chrome, use Chrome. If you disagree with her, talk to her. This course is all about how much effort you put in.

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Displaying teachers 1 - 12 of 14 in total