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Dawson College Reviews


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Write all of the essays and put the effort and the results will show

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He's a good teacher, You have to listen though, and the only downside is he can go on tangents often and be forgetful about specific details needed

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-it's more of a history class to be honest so memorize everything -almost no test material is seen in class

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You must listen and be attentive to all of his instructions about essays and assignments. He can be demanding, but if you do EXACTLY what he asks you will do better than most in the class. If you do not read, do assignment or participate in class you will fail. This may seem like more work than other English classes, but you will come out a better writer and reader.

First of all, he is an amazing teacher. I had him for the linear algerbra. He did not have a formal office hour, but you can email him to make an appointment. He does not like to post the slides, you have to take note from the borad, but you can ask him to do it. He perfers to use the board to teach. He is very very knowledgable. The in class tests are very esay, he will go you a example test one week before. The final will be harder but it is acceptable

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