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Canterbury High School Reviews

900 CANTERBURY AVE, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3A7, Canada

Participate. If you must do anything, that is it. Participate. Be a generally likeable person and be respectful (aka. don't talk when the teacher is talking). It's a language class, expectations are pretty clear.

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Write good (See what I did there? :)

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He’s a VERY harsh grader, the class average is usually 75% even if you do everything very well. You’ll only get a high grade if he likes your work, and he likes fairly boring and straight to the point work, realism, and no fun extra details. Advice: finish your assignments early, he seems to give higher grades to students who turn in their stuff on time or even earlier, and make him notice you. Good luck if you want to get over 80%.

Displaying teachers 1 - 12 of 80 in total