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Ballard High School Reviews

1418 NW 65 St, Seattle, Washington 98117, United States

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As long as you pay attention most of the time you will do very well in this class

I’m writing this review now after months of graduation. This class was probably one of the worst experiences I’ve had in my learning career (comparable to Mr. Harris at Whitman MS). With teaching aside Ms. Lozen is a nice person and I wish the best for her, however, I do not recommend taking this class (I only did because having physics on a college resume was important). While the concepts in the curriculum were very easy to understand, the execution of the learning experience fell drastically flat. If you are a good student you are going to struggle with this class. If you already have trouble learning well... Godspeed. The assignments provided were very easy, but extremely repetitive. The main problem I had along with 100% of the other students with this class were the tests. While I understood everything that was covered in class, Ms. lozen would test using essays. Instead of having short writing or multiple choice tests, there would be three page essays on a quite simple concept that would be graded not only on comprehension but also if you included the the correct number of decimals spaces in your answers(which she explained at the beginning of the year didn’t matter). The little things that you thought you wouldn’t have to be worried about on the test came back to haunt you and turned an A into a C+. I understand the reasoning for the simple curriculum with this being a non-honors/AP course, however the testing needs to be reworked and shouldn’t leave even the brightest kids swearing at the teacher in frustration. Again, ms. Lozen is a kind person outside of teaching however when there is even the slightest bit of conflict, the learning is muddled with confusion. I pray for my future beavers because the science program is going downhill, but that’s thanks to another teacher.

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