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Antonian College Prep Reviews

6425 West Ave, San Antonio, Texas 78213, United States

General: I took Latin III Dual Credit and Latin IV Honors with Mr. Bray, and I can confidently say he was one of my favorite teachers in high school. Latin III Dual Credit was very much not fun and not worth it, but that isn't really Mr. Bray's fault it's just the pacing of the course. Latin IV Honors. and I would assume Latin III Honors, are much better paced and were much more fun classes to take. The workload is still decently high for those classes, sometimes being the classes I had to spend the most time on, but they are much more manageable. Homework: There is a lot of homework in Latin, probably at least one assignment every night, but it is all graded as a participation grade. If you make an attempt to answer all the questions, you will get a 100 on every homework assignment. Not to say I always did, however, because I didn't always make great decisions lol. I still did fine in the class though. Quizzes: All Latin classes at Antonian, taught by Bray or Sipe, give out a lot of quizzes. They give out so many quizzes that if you do really badly on one, you can still more than salvage your average. This is helped by the fact that dropping your lowest quiz grade is a common reward for certain things like donating to Latin Club fundraisers or showing up to certain events, and such opportunities usually happen at least once every academic quarter. Regarding the content of the quizzes, more often than not they are short answer quizzes which you get a study guide for the day before. I would say most quizzes I had were vocabulary quizzes, but there were also a decent number related to grammar, Roman history/culture, etc. Overall if you study the review the night before for all the quizzes you will probably be fine. Tests: Most tests are multiple choice. occasionally with a couple short answer at the end. Regarding Latin IV Honors, there were two research papers and one Google Slides presentation (all on Roman history) that counted as test grades, but I get the impression that is something that is exclusively done for Latin IV Honors although I could be wrong. In Latin I, II, and III, regardless if you take it with Mr. Bray or Mr. Sipe, there is an art project that counts for two test grades. The tests have the chance of being rough for sure, but usually if you study the quizzes and homework assignments that you got in the weeks leading up to the test you shouldn't have too much of a problem.

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