Michael Chalfan

Data based on 101 reviews.

Overall Rating: 4.9 / 5.0

What kind of test questions does this teacher use most often (choose one):

Is the teacher available for extra help during study halls, lunchtime, before or after school, etc.?

The teacher responds to emails promptly. Do you...

The teacher posts in-class materials online for reference (slides, etc.):

The teacher lets us know at the beginning of the course and along the way how much each part of the class (homework, papers, quizzes and tests) counts towards our total grade:

How much homework does this teacher assign?

The amount of writing required in this class is:

The teacher allows us to use technology in class (e.g. laptop, calculator, smart pen, etc.)

How much memorization is required to do well in this teacher’s course?

What advice would you give yourself if you were just starting the class now?

Class of
Apr 18, 2024

The class almost felt like a 2nd home. the art work, the colorful lights, relaxing music and the overall feel of the class is amazing. its like going to your favorite cool uncles house thats like your 2nd dad.

Class of
Apr 05, 2024

If there's one class you don't want to miss in high school, it's Mr. Chalfan's. I've had the privilege of being in his Psychology, Sociology, and History classes, and let me tell you, they're anything but ordinary. What makes Mr. Chalfan's class stand out is his unique approach to teaching. He doesn't just stand at the front of the room and lecture. Instead, he gets us involved. Whether it's through group discussions, hands-on activities, or multimedia presentations, he makes sure we're active participants in our own learning. But what really sets Mr. Chalfan apart is his ability to make every lesson interesting and relevant. He connects the past to the present, showing us how historical events still impact society today. He relates psychological and sociological concepts to our own lives, making them more relatable and understandable. And let's not forget about the atmosphere in his classroom. It's always welcoming and inclusive. Mr. Chalfan encourages us to express ourselves and share our thoughts and ideas, no matter how different they may be. He fosters a sense of community where everyone feels valued and respected. In Mr. Chalfan's class, learning isn't just about memorizing facts and figures. It's about gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us and ourselves. It's about asking questions, exploring new ideas, and challenging our assumptions. Simply put, it's about learning how to think, not what to think. If you have the opportunity to be in Mr. Chalfan's class, don't hesitate. It'll be an experience you'll never forget.

Class of
Jan 12, 2023

take notes and try to remember things

Class of
Nov 16, 2022

pay attention from the start so everything else makes sense later in the year.

Class of
Nov 14, 2022

No questions but the teacher pretty nice and l get my work done.
