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Walnut Hills High School Reviews

3250 Victory Pkwy, Cincinnati, Ohio 45207, United States

a little memorization but not too bad, way more interesting than i thought it would be

This might not be much of help since I had him during covid, but from my personal experince, Mr. Lazar tries his best to make the class as lax as possible. The slides can get a bit long & he moves really quick through the examples, however, if you are looking for some help, he is more than happy to provide aid during study hall.

Mrs. Ligon is a great person in my opinion, she always had me entertained and my class felt like a small family. But if I could give advice to future students, it would be to always be at full attention and study study study. She talks fast and sometimes is hard to follow, and she moves at a fast pace. But she pushes you to be your best student self and I am glad I got to experience her classroom!

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