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South Mecklenburg High School Reviews

8900 Park Rd, Charlotte, North Carolina 28210, United States

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If you are taking AP Calculus AB with Ms. Mascia, make sure you actively do your work for her class. You will be UNDER prepared if you do not do so, as AP Calculus AB solely depends on your ability to do most of the work on your own. The concepts are not difficult, but only more challenging if you procrastinate and not prepare yourself ahead of time by doing the work she assigns. She is also there for you and wants you to succeed, so take advantage of her Sabre sunrises/tutoring sessions before or after school. As long as you understand and do her work (Khans, correctives/test corrections, test previews, warmups, writing TRQ's, or other things she hands out), you will be okay and pass her class.

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Quizlet is your best friend in terms of studying. Review materials will be provided and - yes, you do need to review before each test unfortunately.

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