Kathleen Mc Cann

Data based on 2 reviews.

Overall Rating: 1.5 / 5.0

What kind of test questions does this teacher use most often (choose one):

Is the teacher available for extra help during study halls, lunchtime, before or after school, etc.?

The teacher responds to emails promptly. Do you...

The teacher posts in-class materials online for reference (slides, etc.):

The teacher lets us know at the beginning of the course and along the way how much each part of the class (homework, papers, quizzes and tests) counts towards our total grade:

How much homework does this teacher assign?

The amount of writing required in this class is:

The teacher allows us to use technology in class (e.g. laptop, calculator, smart pen, etc.)

How much memorization is required to do well in this teacher’s course?

What advice would you give yourself if you were just starting the class now?

Class of
Mar 06, 2024

Write A LOT(maybe 6-8 sentences per paragraph something like that). And NEVER "FOOL AROUND" ON YOUR COMPUTER TRUST ME..... YOU WILL BE DEAD(Not literally of course). If you're absent A DAY, you miss a handful. You have the amount of days you were absent to complete whatever you missed. When you're absent try looking on google classroom to see what you missed(that is if you have the energy to). Try to look like you are engaged in whatever she is teaching you (you don't have to be) and try being prepared with an answer when she asks a question, because she can randomly call on people. If you don't know, she's like, "YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION! ". If you don't know look like you're paying attention and.... hope for the best. If you really wanna know maybe pretend to drop something and pick it up but try not to cause a distraction (I don't know if this works but I heard about it somewhere). And try to pay attention, you will need it. And GET ON TIME IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE YELLED AT!

Class of
Sep 28, 2022

If you even miss ONE day of school, girl there gonna be at the end of a whole new topic you miss SO MUCH in one DAY
