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Mill Creek Middle School Reviews

7305 Dexter Ann Arbor Rd, Dexter, Michigan 48130, United States

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Don't be afraid to voice your thoughts in your writing. As long as you don't swear, Mrs. Darnton won't get mad or try to change you or your opinion.

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Do your work in class, there isn't very much.

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Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Chris Hoelscher
6th 8th

To do well in this class, you need to keep up with the work. It may seem a tad overwhelming, but only if you don't spend time on it. This class moves quickly, so it's worth the time to do fifteen minutes of homework a night. If Mr. H makes a suggestion, it's probably a good idea, so try it! And if you have the 'Seedfolks' project, there are 20 something checkpoints. Overall, if you put in the work, you will do well in this class.

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