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Sharon Middle School Reviews

75 Mountain St, Sharon, Massachusetts 02067, United States

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Mr. Fine's class is pretty easy if you just do the homework. That's really the only graded assignment he gives. Sometimes he'll make you do a project or quiz, but that's not very often, probably once a quarter or so. The homework itself is easy enough: just do the assigned reading and answer the questions. However, sometimes you won't be able to find the answer in the text. I don't know what he expects us to do when that happens, but the internet is your friend in that case. Make sure to at least have a general idea of the chapter when you come to class, because going over the homework is pretty much all you do in class. A typical class with Mr. Fine consists of just listening to him talk and answering his questions. He begins class with talking about current events, then he segues into the homework. On Fridays he lets you watch CNN 10. It's pretty mundane, but at least you don't have to do any work. Oftentimes he'll talk about stuff the book didn't go over, and sometimes he seems to not realize or care. If you want to really be a stellar student, I would suggest watching some OverSimplified History videos, or just reading more about the American Revolution so that you can answer more of his questions. Mr. Fine as a person is a different story. He is extremely passive aggressive and moody. It's like he's on his period all the time. The quality of your education really depends on how he's feeling that day, and he doesn't seem to feel good very often. He throws tantrums and scoffs (super loud and obnoxiously too) if the class is getting on his nerves. Don't get me wrong- he can also be pretty nice, but he's very unpredictable. My advice would be to just not get on his bad side. Don't try to be funny with offensive jokes or anything. If he seems to be in a good mood, go for it, but if his emotional state is more dubious, then hold off on the jokes just to be safe. Also, don't try to argue with him or correct him. He will not let you win. Feel free to ask questions, but make sure they aren't dumb or off topic because he might get annoyed as well. If you 're just polite and answer the questions you know the answers too, you shouldn't have a tough time.

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She's a super cool teacher as long as you don't continuously interrupt during class. She falls asleep a lot in class but she bakes us food to make up for it. Try to raise your hand when you know the answer. Otherwise, just follow the directions, sit with friends, and you'll be all good.

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