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Hinsdale Central High School Reviews

5500 S Grant St, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521, United States

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Take notes on large post-its using the Achiever review book, and re-organize them into study sheets at the end of each chapter (trust me). When reviewing for larger tests or exams, vary your learning by watching videos, drawing pictures instead of taking notes, making graphic organizers, etc. Center your note-taking around the concept outline, the seven course themes, and the historical thinking skills and reasoning processes as detailed by the AP European History course and exam description.

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Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Practicing at home can be difficult, but its absolutely necessary, especially during auditions and when you're in Wind Symphony/Ensemble.

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Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Displaying teachers 25 - 36 of 136 in total