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Starrs Mill High School Reviews

193 Panther Path, Fayetteville, Georgia 30215, United States

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Be the first to leave a review!

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Mrs. Coleman is a good teacher but it sometimes seems like she doesn’t even know what the equipment in her class does and she will say something cost X amount when it cost way less. She is very lay back which I like. It is mostly your job to work in the class and you will find yourself with a lot of free time. One problem is sometimes she will get in trouble with the school for such and such reason then blame it on the students. All around if you are interested in her class you should go ahead and take it.

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Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

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For future student, Mr. Kendall is hands down one of the best teachers I have ever had. He is funny and very smart. Never once did I not want to go to my 4th period (with him). He really help break shy kids out of their shell. You will have a great time in his class!

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