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Niwot High School Reviews

8989 E Niwot Rd, Niwot, Colorado 80503, United States

Do the homework! A lot of the time he forgets to remind you, so remember to check Schoology as there is homework due nearly every class. Not only is this the most important factor in passing the class, the homework is very easy and quick. The hardest part is just remembering to do it. Also, study the vocab and grammar. Especially the grammar, because that is usually what his tests are centered around. But really, if you just pay attention in class you probably won’t have to study much as he tells you everything you need to know in class.

The hardest part of his class is definitely the tests. Make sure to review a lot before. If you look on Schoology he gives a list of things to review. He gives a lot of projects too. Those are fine as long as you don’t procrastinate. Trust me, you do not want to procrastinate on his projects. There’s always at least one project to work on in his class, and it’s best to just keep working on them a little bit at a time regularly.

Here are the three key things to pass: 1) Study! And study. And review the old stuff every once in a while. It will come back. Her class is very fast paced and it can be hard to keep up, so you basically have to teach and reteach yourself everything. 2) While preparing for the tests is important, preparing your notebook is even more important. It’s easy to overlook, but it counts for more than the test so put some work into it. 3) Remember to do everything for the labs, including the procedure. If you forget to complete the labs it will hurt your grade significantly.

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Spencer Cone

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