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Redwood Middle School Reviews

233 West Gainsborough Road, Thousand Oaks, California 91360, United States

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

*If you want a good grade in that class be very detailed in the assignments and projects *Always participate, he is counting how many times you do participate in class *Hope to god that your classmates are respectful and responsible, he has a small fuse for talking, eating, etc. *Sometimes, very rarely, will he let you work with others; take every chance you can but be extremely quiet *DON’T EVER EVEN THINK ABOUT ASKING FOR MATERIALS(ESPECIALLY at the end of the year from Mr. Cook or classmates, he WILL give you Tuesday school) *Don’t be “disrespectful” or “loud” or “talkative” or “messy”

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Be the first to leave a review!

Displaying teachers 1 - 12 of 19 in total