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Bear Creek High School Reviews

10555 Thornton Road, Stockton, California 95209, United States

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Debbie Dutra
9/12 English

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Quizzes happen weekly. There is limited extra credit, but they are barley enough to make an B/B+ become an A. Go a bit over and beyond or else you will always get 80% on your assignments. Make sure to also color your drawings or else you will never receive 100%. Beware of worksheets, there is a high chance of uncovered information in them. She accepts late work, but if you are not excused or do it 2 days after your absence, it will be worth only 50%. There is a lab about every 1-2 weeks. They are not difficult though. The notes that are provided are not good. It is suggested to use other resources to learn the topics in class.

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