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Palisades Charter High School Reviews

15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, California 90272, United States

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- Make sure to take extremely good notes and to be ahead in his class (ex. read the textbook practically before he assigns it). If you don't do this, it is very easy to fall behind in his class. - Memorize the information. He tells you not to memorize the info and to learn it instead, but you are better off if you memorize most of the information for his class. - Find other ways to study. He gives us study guides for every exam, but they are worthless. They are just note taking guides that don't even include all of the information you will need for the exams. - Do the assignments NO MATTER WHAT. Not only are they pretty easy points, but things start to change if you don't. - Make sure to do well on exams and not to loose points. Your grade will shoot downward extremely fast if you are not careful.

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