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Ralph Waldo Emerson Junior High School Reviews

2121 Calaveras Avenue, Davis, California 95616, United States

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+ Many of the tests are open-note but don't be fooled by this because there often isn't enough time to look through your notes to complete the test on time. Treat it like a regular test. That's your best bet. + He only gives one big extra credit opportunity for the year, which is to either fill in a completely blank periodic table for 50 extra points or sing the periodic table song for 25 points. You will also get your name put on his fume hood :) + When you reach your "passion project", the biggest project of the year, I would recommend doing some kind of explosion reaction because Mr. Slizeski's a bit of a pyromaniac (lol not lying) and he gets super excited when other's are also interested in chemistry.

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