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Davis Senior High School Reviews

315 West 14th Street, Davis, California 95616, United States

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To succeed in this class, you only need to know one thing, one VERY important thing, a thing you NEEDED to memorize Mr. van Muyden stores his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in ethe storage room

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Its a Chinese class. there is gonna be a lot of memorization. There is a lot of review in class for tests. She gives you a lot of options for learning in that class. (like stuff to do if you wanna go the extra mile. ex: read children's chinese books. )

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I'm in the 3D AP class and most of the time is given to the students to work on projects. Its unbelievably rare that you will do something else. In fact i only remember having an announcement longer than 10 min at the beginning of the school year. The only homework in this class is stuff you do to finish your project.

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