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Collège de Maisonneuve Reviews

3800 Sherbrooke St E, Montreal, Quebec H1X 2A2, Canada

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Make sure to take as many notes as possible while he's talking cuz he doesn't write everything he says. Make sure you study the materials well before a test and know what you're talking about, he's very exigent. All test questions are essay type. If you're an independent learner, i'd suggest taking his class, if not, you're better off with someone else.

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(COVID-19 online classes) Read the text book on your own before class or you wont understand. He rushes trough the important stuff and doesn't take time to do examples in front of students, he explains already done exercises... I think every minute of his theorical classes is a minute lost. I would understand way better by doing homework instead of attending his class but my pressence is requiered..... Very bad experience

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