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College Montmorency Reviews

475 BOUL DE L'AVENIR, Laval, Quebec H7N 5H9, Canada

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✓ No memorization needed, you get to bring cheat sheets for the exams that require memorizing ✓ Very interactive, you'll actually learn how to analyze texts ✓ Only one dissertation during the year. You can get a lot of points by doing the ateliers seriously and the exams (with cheat sheets) ✓ Not necessary to read the books til the end, but get 3/4 there. You get options for the dissertation subject and they focus on chapters, not the entire book

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Review everything, even if he says it's not in the exam, trust me, it will.

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Il est très important d’écouter en classe et de regarder et/ou écouter tous les documents qu’elle met à notre disposition. Elle dit clairement sur quoi elle base sa correction, donc il est facile d’avoir de bonnes notes en faisant tout ce qu’elle demande.

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Read the books and if possible more than once.

Participe en classe. Fais tes devoirs sinon tu arriveras pas à faire les examens. Et pose des questions même si tu comprends pas

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