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St. Joseph's High School Reviews

2425 CLOVER AVE, Windsor, Ontario N8P 2A3, Canada

None of the slideshows that are presented in class are actually posted on the Google Classroom. This means that it is extremely important that you take the necessary notes during class, and more. I would suggest writing the main notes in one colour, and as she is explaining the material further, use another colour on the side. Diagrams also help in visualizing some of the more complex material, and you should review your notes every night. If you can explain the material to someone else before a test, then you'll do fine.

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It's a great class and Mr. Gilbert is the best. Give him a raise.

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When she gives you handouts, always fill them out COMPLETELY. Make notes for yourself using different coloured pens, and always try to complete 1 or 2 of the homework questions. This course will not be difficult for you if you do your notes and write down everything that she says. Do not just write down the answers. Note taking is important for this class... so buy a large pack of pens at Staples and you should be good.

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