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Orchard Park Secondary School Reviews

200 DEWITT RD, Stoney Creek, Ontario L8E 4M5, Canada

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Know your stuff because everything you learn is pretty much fair game on tests and exams. Try to get all the work done in class that way you won't have any homework.

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For English, make sure you read over your papers and correct any grammatical errors. For History, know what you've been taught as most of it is fair game.

An angel sent from heaven I will thank this man everyday I'm on earth. He will let you tweak assignments to better fit your creativity and let's you have a lot of freedom when it comes to your work. he gives bonus marks where he thinks is best and genuinely will push you to succeed. Do NOT take advantage of the Lamb, he is so kinda and truly made my high school experience better.

Just make sure to submit your essays in on time and discuss them with her. You'll do way better in the class with communication.

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Make sure to hand in essays and assignments in on time and make sure to communicate with her during the writing process. You will do really well in the class that way.

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Displaying teachers 25 - 36 of 71 in total