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Academy For Gifted Children Pace Reviews

12 BOND CRES, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4E 3K2, Canada

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-Make sure you fully understand concepts as you go along, go see help if you don't fully understand. It's easier to see the teacher 1 bit at a time than cramming -All the test material will be reviewed in class the days leading up so make sure you know all the specifics from that -Understanding rather than memorizing is key here -There will be more labs than tests ratios so don't sweat if a test isn't great, labs tend to be better done as long as you read the instructions and write in detail

If you pay attention to Mr. Krelove, he is the best teacher you will ever have. He is by far the most understanding and accomodating teacher I've ever had and is very knowledgeable. He is a fair marker, and if you are attentive in class, will give you the opportunity to prove your knowledge.

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Displaying teachers 1 - 12 of 19 in total