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Sacred Heart Catholic High School Reviews

908 LEMAR RD, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 1R9, Canada

This was the hardest course I've had throughout high school. Though many of the quizzes were multiple choice, they were not memory-based and required you to interpret and critically think. The final essay of the course was the hardest assignment I've ever had to date. Required extensive research, reproofing, and consultation to get a somewhat poor mark in the end. The process however taught me so much. This class, though EXTREMELY rough, will teach you the most out of any course you will ever take. It teaches you to think critically of the media, government intentions, and properly write papers and essays. This class made history actually interesting and is applicable literally every day. I'm sooooooo thankful for it, even though I spent nights literally dying.

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She'll give you a lot of worksheets, but if you do them on time you'll be okay. The class is quite intimidating at first but it doesn't last, she's a very good teacher. Don't worry too much about whether or not you can give perfect translations between english-french, its very engaging and there are a lot of class activities. There are some group projects but not many.

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