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Montcalm Secondary School Reviews

1350 HIGHBURY AVE, London, Ontario N5Y 1B5, Canada

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Grade 9 Academic: The class consists of a lot of fill in the blank notes with lecture-style learning. There are a few labs in each unit that you will do (mainly for you to gain your lab testing skills for future years). Each unit has a bigger project that goes towards your ISP mark. I recommend starting to develop your study habits so that you can be successful in future years. The exam was long, but he told us ahead of time what every section was going to be on. Grade 11 and 12 Biology: Similar to the grade 9 class, the lessons are more lecture-style and fill in the blank notes. However, it is expected that you will add more information that is said alongside the fill in the blanks if you want to achieve a high mark. Prepare for quite a bit of memorization of terms for these two courses. There aren't as many labs as grade 9, though there is the infamous pig dissection. The (grade 11) exam was very long, you will most likely spend more than an hour just to finish it. A bonus assignment was offered early on in the semester and I highly recommend doing it. Study early and often, and make sure to ask questions if you have them!

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If you have a question, always ask! Also, it is important to stay on top of your homework so that you aren't cramming 20+ physics problems in one night before the test (as a note, homework is not really "assigned" but it's strongly recommended that you do it). A lot of the class is going through examples as well as doing labs. Labs are worth a fair amount of your mark, so make sure to try your best on them (it is kind of used as a mark booster for your tests). Lessons are sometimes slow, however, it is made up for the humour added. This does yield to not getting through the entire curriculum, but you definitely get a strong foundation if you want to teach yourself the other components.

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Her class is what you expect in an English class; reading, reading, reading, writing, writing, writing, editing, editing, editing. The class (2D) did have a couple of group presentations required. There wouldn't be a lot of homework assigned, but it was up to you to read your book and work on your essay. Since she teaches grade 10 English, she will go over OSSLT preparation. Tests (in the 2D class) were more content-heavy rather than analysis-heavy which can be seen as good or back depending on if what you like. Overall, the class (2D) was pretty good!

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