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Montcalm Secondary School Reviews

1350 HIGHBURY AVE, London, Ontario N5Y 1B5, Canada

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The digital media class is mostly project-based, though you will have one or two tests about the tools you use for your projects. The final exam is just a short informal presentation, so it's nothing to really worry about. I'd say the hardest part of this class is coming up with ideas for the projects, though Ms. Collins' guidance is really helpful.

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4U English - Be sure to complete all assignments ON TIME- luckily, the teacher provides all due dates for the semester within the first month, so be sure to stay on top of them. He does not check homework for completion, but you should always do it if you want to comprehend the class material. The class is not difficult so long as you apply yourself and put the effort in- despite what you will heat about the teacher being a difficult marker.

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