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Meriden School Reviews

, Sydney, New South Wales , Australia

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It's not about the teacher but about the learning in the class. However, Ms Curran is a fabulous teacher who has many skills and challenges students in their learning. She has helped me greatly in my studies to achieve excellence and whilst she is a fabulous teacher, she is also a fabulous person. I highly recommend that to do well in Ms Curran's class, you pay attention, respect the teacher, complete work, and put as much effort into your learning as she does with planning an excellent class. (Which is a lot! It certainly pays off, her class is one of the most helpful and enriching I have ever been in). Overall, Ms Curran is one of the best teachers as she is kind, intelligent and extremely helpful and understanding, and to have her as your teacher is quite possibly the greatest honour of all.

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Displaying teachers 1 - 12 of 49 in total